วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Video Blog #4

Take a look at our new song in this video blog and hear about our plans for SXSW! ... "The Frail" Justice "Hot Chip" Vana cute rock electro justice "San Francisco", "The Toxic Avenger" new music "the firefly"


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วันพุธที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Auto Insurance Law - Tips and Advice Related to Auto Insurance Law

Q: My insurance company is balking at paying a claim because they say I was not really my wife driving the car when I an accident. The agent told me if I bought the policy that covered we would be in a foreign car. Are there lawyers, lawyers who specialize in auto insurance for this situation?

A: Many states require that if you live under the same address, you will need to be covered under each other's actions. This ensures that people are not insurance of family members whoYou are driving a vehicle consistent.

In your situation it sounds like you by the agent that you were no matter what the car was driven by who would be covered assured. In this case, we recommend collecting every document that you have that affect your insurance.

It is particularly important to note, as they were told literally as possible, what if you fall will be asked to close your wife drive the car. If there is someone else in mind, if this conversationShe was sure they write down their recollection of this conversation.

Contact your insurance company and explain that you were told you would be covered. In the event they are still not prepared to honor your claim then you should not hesitate to inform them, you will be consulting an attorney who specializes in car insurance.

Finally, we strongly advise you after car insurance online. When comparing offers from various onlineCompany is a great way to save money on your car insurance premiums.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

So You Were Injured at a Hotel - What Should You Do Now?

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people flock to Florida hotels for the holiday. It is a shame if the long-awaited vacation is ruined by an injury in a hotel. Accidents of all kinds occur in the busy and crowded hotels. Slip and fall, trip and falls, falls, balcony, electric shock, burns, accidental drowning pool, elevator are accidents, injuries and escalator falling objects causing injury to some of the accidents that happen in hotels. In the following sectionsdo some useful information about what happens if you are injured in a hotel.

The first thing to do if you have an accident in a hotel had to ensure is that you need the proper medical care. Make sure you tell the hotel staff and ask them for that you need. If your injury is serious question, call the 911 employees. Your health and well-being are the most important things. Make sure to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Secondly, once you are able, you should collect andPreservation of evidence of your injuries. These documents must the names, phone numbers and addresses of witnesses, including pictures when the damage occurred as much information as possible about why the injury happened, ask for a letter to the hotel where they receive and store all evidence of your violation in their possessions, pictures of your injury and your medical records.

Third, you should be with an Injury Attorney. The attorney can gather evidence for you andpresent to the insurance company in a manner designed to maximize your recovery. The injury lawyer will get you from the adjuster, investigators shield and lawyers whose sole purpose is to deny your injury claim. The Attorney General has access to and experience with the type of experts needed to prove the assertion. The injury lawyer will be ready to take your case to court if necessary.

Hotels may commit negligent in many respects. These includeallowing an unsafe condition to exist, does not properly control their property, does not properly maintain their property properly operate their facilities, inadequate security, failure to warn of the danger of criminal acts by staff, recruitment of employees with criminal histories, defective equipment, and the list goes on.

We all hope your holidays are injury free, however, if you are injured in a hotel, you will ensure that the three steps that I follow are listed for you.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Vote for Dr. Mario Garcia for Circuit Court Judge

Supervision of the European Continent as Executive Vice President Junior Chamber International. Mario is the founder of Garcia Law Offices, PA a small firm based in Miami, Florida, and a second office in Orlando, Florida. The firm specialized in, real estate law, real estate closings, criminal defense, immigration law, family law, commercial disputes, martial law, personal injury and wrongful death claims. Mario's degrees include: Ph.D. in Psychology, Capella University ...


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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

San Francisco DUI Attorney - Hire The Best San Francisco La

www.SanFrancisco-DUIAttorney.com Learn how to hire the best San Francisco DUI Attorney for your case. Get a free report filled with tips and advice on hiring a good DUI Lawyer.


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Outlaw

written and arranged the music of Greg Elie. For those who were asked whether the human figure wearing a tuxedo was a relic? The answer is "No", and there is no Austin Powers imitation wax, either ..... it's me ....( Greg Elie). The pictures are from the San Francisco Asian Arts Museum .... and not from a wax museum ............................... Lyrics: Verse 1 Can I ask you, have you ever killed a man? Though I never never mean't to hurt. I drove drunk with whiskey in hand, I lost control of my ...


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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ahmed & Sukaram, Attorneys at Law - DUI/DWI Lawyer

California crimes and misdemeanors DUI / DWI Attorney in San Francisco Bay Area, especially San Mateo County, San Francisco County Santa Clara County and Alameda County. We specialize in the breath testing devices: Draeger Alcotest 7110 MK III-C and the Alco Sensor IV


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วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

DUI Field Sobriety Tests - Designed For Failure?

Roadside field sobriety tests ( "FSTS") are often used by police officers in DUI investigations to determine whether a driver is under the influence of alcohol. Typically, they consist of a battery of 3-5 exercises such as walking and standing on one leg again, "nystagmus" ( "follow the pencil with your eyes"), finger-to-nose alphabet recitation, "Rohmberg" (with eyes closed-position-of)-attention, etc. The officer may subjectively decide whether the "single failed", or he may decide toApplying recent federal "standardized" scoring.

These DUI tests have an aura of scientific credibility. Unfortunately they have no real basis in science and are almost useless in a drunk driving case.

First, as nobody knows traffic officer or DUI lawyer who is arrested at the window of the driver from the FSTS allegedly given to determine probable cause to arrest are actually for the purpose of gathering evidence.

Secondly, since theOfficer already has his mind, his subjective decision as to whether a person passed or failed the field sobriety tests is suspect: as with every human being, he will "see" what he wants to see.

Thirdly, the conditions under which they are made the field sobriety tests, almost guarantee failure: usually late at night, possibly cold, on a graveled or sloped roadside, with bright headlights from passing cars (setting up wind waves), the officer's flashlight and patrol car's headlights flash andProvision of lighting - and a person who is nervous, frightened and completely unfamiliar with the given test.

Fourth, field sobriety tests are irrelevant and, in fact, programmed for failure.

What scientific basis exists FSTS confirm in a DUI investigation? Only one study by a private trading company, the Southern California Research Institute, with a grant from the federal government a "single" battery usable DUI tests. In order to earn their money, SCRIcame with three tests, which they said was not a panacea, but much better than everyone else, were used to FSTS not. But according to some studies, this undertaking has concluded that would, using the three standardized tests, 47 percent of the tested subjects arrested for DUI - even if they would consider necessary under the .10% within limits. (Burns and Moskowitz, Psychophysical Tests for DWI Arrest: Final Report, DOT-HS-802-424, NHTSA, 1977.)

The company was back to the drawing boardand in 1981 came with some better figures: only 32 percent of those who are not "tests actually innocent." (Tharp, Burns and Moskowitz, Development and Field Sobriety Test psychophysical tests for DWI arrests: Final Report, DOT-HS-805 -864, NHTSA, 1981.)

SCRI was paid, subject to their seal of approval on a number of areas of sobriety. But what was the reaction of the profit (non-) scientific community?

In 1991, conducted by Dr. Spurgeon Cole of Clemson University, a studyon the accuracy of FSTS. His colleagues filmed people perform six common field sobriety tests, then showed the tapes to 14 police officers and asked them to decide whether the suspects had "too much to drink and drive." Unknown, the officers, the blood-alcohol concentration of each of the 21 DUI subjects .00%, stone sober.

The result: the officers gave their opinion that 46% of these innocent people were too drunk to drive! In other words, the field sobrietyTests were throwing little more correct on the recognition of noise as a coin. Cole and Nowaczyk, Field Sobriety Tests: Are they programmed for failure? ", 79 Perceptual and Motor Skills Journal 99 (1994).

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552


Some people never learn. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. JEFF BUSH TAKES U.S. TO A DUI CHECKPOINT in Daly City. At least one man to spend the night in jail. KRON-4 Jeff BUSH IS IN THE SCENE


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วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

DUI Defense Lawyer Strategies - Part 2

A video of excerpts from keynote lecture California DUI attorney Lawrence Taylor's at the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyer of 100 lawyers. Part 2 www.duicentral.com


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Win Your DUI Criminal Defense and Force the Government to Prove Their Case - Part Four

Every DUI in the Bay Area, California triggers two separate and completely different types of cases. The first case relates to the Superior Court and the second charge brought against someone once arrested for drink driving and include the Department of Motor Vehicles and an administrative per se or APS case. The questions for consultation are provided by the California Vehicle Code CVC 13558th

Due to the strict guidelines of the vehicle codes and guidelines, the drinking driverusually loses the DMV hearing. In most of these cases, who the person is charged with a DUI, do not understand the 10-day period, and at the end of waiving their rights to the hearing for reasons of time. If your lawyer or lift themselves can win at the DMV hearing, or simply the "action" at the hearing, it is a major bargaining chip for the trial should follow. Due to the time difference matters is to win the DMV hearing, almost always first and in the first roundalways helps for the next round.

When a criminal defense lawyer begins his arguments at the court plea bargaining, presenting a win from the DMV hearing can help to present your case well and give you a good chance at winning at trial. It is important to remember that during the DMV hearing, you will be playing by a whole different set of rules from the court case.

Few, if any, criminal court rules apply as the DMV hearing is administrative and a different set of rules of evidence and the procedure does not apply here. With the code some time ago and before the Bay Area as an increase in DUI arrests witnessed written, it's hard to believe that when a vehicle-code exists, it usually trumps government code section. For you this means that a citizen is in a written statement to the police for concern as the chemical test or breath test results usually lack the foundation they need to against actual arguments.

This is where the public pays with a DUI is beginning to realize that the Council and get a good criminal defense kept pressing need, is a driver's license after they were arrested for drunk driving charges.

A good criminal defense DUI lawyer can help someone to understand the intricacies and loopholes presented with a DUI arrest. The support of the detainees do not feel like such a sacrifice, and to help them understand that each case is unique and only a qualified> Attorney can help the average citizen to walk through the whole long and time consuming process.

In the U.S., and everywhere these days, having your license can be very important to everyday life and routine. Be used for the primary form of transportation between work, school, shops and of course events, not with your vehicle or driver's license, you can dramatically change their lives. Ensure that a qualified defense counsel, the well-expressed and speakExperience in DUI law is important to win either the DMV or criminal court case.

First steps to these lawyers in a timely manner and completing all necessary forms is also important if you are on DUI charges in the Bay Area or any part of California have been arrested. A good defense will help you through the process, fill out the required documents and forms for the court and the DMV process and generally help to make youcomfortable and knowledgeable about the drunk driving studies, in which you are facing.

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วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

DUI Defense Lawyer Strategies - Part 3

A video of excerpts from keynote lecture California DUI attorney Lawrence Taylor's at the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyer of 100 lawyers. Part 3 www.duicentral.com


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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

San Francisco Criminal Defense Lawyer John Runfola Defends Elderly Woman

San Francisco defense lawyer John Runfola successfully defended a 77-year-old woman charged with plotting her son escape from prison to help. The case was dismissed. www.runfola-criminal-defense.com


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Five Rules to Determine If a Criminal Defense Attorney is Good Or Not

When selecting a criminal defense counsel, the most difficult task is to determine whether a lawyer is good or not. However, there are five golden rules that can make this task much easier for you. You can use these rules apply everywhere, regardless of the state you belong to, or the type of criminal case you are involved in. These rules, to the fact that the reliability of a lawyer is largely dependent on its attributes.

A good defense lawyer requires a lot ofExperience, as well as knowledge. For this reason, to distinguish between good, bad and mediocre lawyers, it is important to first assess their qualities and the type of work. No matter what the criminal case, whether drunk driving, driving under the influence may, drugs, fraud, assault, battery, domestic violence or other location, use the following rules to help themselves in the selection of the best defense lawyers:

1) The lawyer should absolutely know in detail aboutthe background and life situation of his client.

This is because a good defense to beat using those facts to a note of sympathy with the jury and make a big difference in the case can. In short, if he knows all the details from the life of his client, he can negotiate easily and pleadings.

2) He should know his client well-being and to provide individual attention to the outcome of the case.

Needless to say, a case is very important for the defendant.Criminal charge, whether DUI is just a simple matter or a serious allegation, obliged to keep stress and anxiety in social, personal and professional life of a man. Therefore, Article 2, to ensure that the case is as important for the lawyer, as for the person accused of the crime.

3) He should try his level best to get his client out of jail as soon as possible.

After a trial lawyer is hired for a case, the first thing he expects that they do to theirPeople released from prison. To obtain a release from prison, there are many things, such as the submission of an application for a supervised release, waving to get the bail reduced, or motions to obtain the release on their own involvement, which can be done by defense lawyers . Make sure the lawyer you hire is always these formalities done quickly.

4) While dealing with the case, he should take into account the negative impact on the criminal trial may, on its customersProfession.

As levied criminal charge in the loss of professional licenses can result in the defender should be well aware whether you are a plea bargain in the situation and if anything, can be what can be accepted by you as part of a plea bargain . The knowledge of this information is crucial for a positive outcome of the proceedings.

5) He should remain on the privacy of his client:

A good lawyer would always maintain its professional ethics and confidentiality ofAll of your data in the case.

These five rules are nothing more than five key attributes that have a good criminal defense needs. Whether it's in San Francisco DUI lawyer San Francisco criminal defense, Oakland DUI lawyer or defense lawyers from other parts of the country, these rules should be applied everywhere to make sure that you hire the best lawyer to fight your case.

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